Lynsey Castellini
How to smash your to-do list

To - do lists... Surely we've all made one! I'm kind of of list obsessed some days if I'm honest, I just love them.

However, my to-do lists were always one of my weaknesses due to the fact, I thought I was Wonder Woman and could do a million things in one day... of course, I was wrong! And unticket tasks make me a misery...

So, after years of feeling 'shitty' for never finishing my to-do list in the time I had set myself, I knew something had to be done. I decided I needed to make a change, and get myself a system or method to ensure I'm using my time well, and being productive with my tasks.

After a few weeks, I noticed there were 5 things that ensured I was smashing my to-do lists EVERY SINGLE TIME!

1. I write down everything I would like done that day, then choose 2 -5 of the most important tasks. The bigger the tasks, the less I chose. Your time scale should be considered when choosing your tasks always!

2. Get rid of all distractions. Before I start, I also like to check my email and social media, get up to date, then put my phone away for each task.... I will literally watch 50 Tiktok videos or reels otherwise! (I know you do too! ha1)

3. Stay hydrated ! I ensure I have a bottle of water at hand, so I don't have to waste time getting a drink, which could lead me to get distracted somewhere else. I also keep healthy snacks around, not essential really, but being a business woman with an eating disorder, I find having healthy snacks about, really keeps me focused on what I am doing, much better than when I don't have them around.

4. Put on music, or listen to a podcast (or similar) For me personally, depending on the task, I do like background noise that helps me stay 'PUMPED!'. Of course there are specific tasks that needs concentration... so then it's best to give it a miss, and just focus on what needs doing in silence.

5. Start with the biggest task, or the task you're least looking forward. Once that's out of the way, it gets so much easier. I used to start with the smallest task thinking I'd get more done, but when left with the big task at the end, I never wanted to do it because I ran out of time, or I was too tired, or truthfully, I just couldn't be bothered then. So always start with the biggest is my best advice, as it can help you keep track of your time scale too.

Good Luck with you To-Do lists, remember DON'T OVERWHELM YOURSELF and create a system or method that works for YOU. If any of my methods help you, please feel free to get in touch, I'd love to hear from you.

Have a great day,

Lynsey x

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